List of IPR Chairs

Journals and Conferences: 


1.      Ghosh, P. K., Kashyap, Ankur., & Agrawal, Rajat. (2016). "Mapping the position of higher educational institutes in national economic advancement: a comparative analysis." International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development. Forthcoming, Inderscience Publishers.

2.      Ghosh, P.K.,Agarwal, Rajat.,Kashyap, Ankur. (2016). "A Model of Innovation at Higher Education Institutes for Nation Building."  University News,Volume 54, (05),164-169.

3.      Raghuvanshi, J., Ghosh, P.K. & Agrawal.R (2016). Taxonomy of Innovation Capability framework with future directions. IIMB Management Review. Under Review. Elsevier Publisher.

4.      Raghuvanshi, Juhi.,Agarwal, Rajat. (2015)"Analysis of Enablers of Innovation Capability in Indian MSMEs: Modelling through ISM-MICMAC Approach''; XIX Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management  (SOM), IIM Calcutta, December 11- 13, (2015).

5.      Raghuvanshi, Juhi., Kashyap, Ankur., Agarwal, Rajat. (2015)" Facet of Indian Traditional Knowledge: Capturing the trends of Geographical Indications'' ;International conference on Research and Business Sustainability  (ICRBS-2015), IIT Roorkee, Greater Noida campus, December 4- 6, (2015).

6.      Ghosh, V., & Ghosh, P. K. (2014) "Enablers to propel innovation in the Higher Educational Institutes."; IRC"S International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Social & Management Sciences, Volume 2,(2), 13-20, (2014)

7.      P.K. Ghosh,  Bobita Sinha (2011), "Traditional knowledge as a Beacon for a Civilization at Crossroads", Procd. 5th Int. Conf. on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM 2011) 15th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2011), Organised by International Institute of Informatics and Systemic, Vol. III,  Orlando, FL, USA July 19 " 22, (2011),pp.24-29.

8.      P.K. Ghosh and Bobita Sinha, "An analytical outlook for promoting innovation and Intellectual Property creation in a typical higher education institution of India", EU-IPR Helpdesk, IPR Bulletin num. 47, July " September, (2010), p.3.

9.      P.K. Ghosh and Babita Sinha, "Functional approach towards promoting IP creation in higher education institutions", IFKAD 2010 - International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, "Intellectual Capital in a Complex Business Landscape", Matera, Italy 24-26 June 2010.

10.  Sinha, B., Joshi, H., & Ghosh, P. K. (2009). Challenges in Creation and Management of Knowledge Capital in Technical Educational Institutions. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights,14, 340-345.

11.  Sinha, Babita and P.K Ghosh, (2009), "Geographical Indication in a Flat World: revisiting the current scenario of protection and exploitation"; National Seminar on Geographical Indications, Center for WTO Studies, IIFT, New Delhi; September 24-25, (2009).

12.  Sinha, Babita and Himanshu Joshi (2009); "Measuring Innovation Potential: Assessment and Enhancementpaper presented at the International Conference on Knowledge Sharing and IP Management: Developing Strategies for Asia-Pacific, organized by IIT Roorkee, Jan 29-31, (2009) pp. 31-52.

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